Senior Kindergarten

Senior Kindergarten in Vijaynagar, Bangalore

With enthusiasm and endless energy, our kindergarten students soar as learners. Kindergarten is a magical year that engages students’ imagination and builds their academic skills. Well-planned workshops allow students to build a foundation for future academic success. The program includes daily P.E. and language and music, library, art and shop and technology on a rotation basis. Having a first-grade buddy and acting in a school play are highlights of the kindergarten year.

Our approach to learning during the formative years is truly customized to the developmental needs and readiness of students at each age and stage. We understand that the pace of learning differs from student to student and thus make sure to provide our students with everything they need to embark on the journey of learning from an early age.

When a child spends time engaged in activities that they care about and enjoy, confidence and curiosity flourish, developing foundations for greater learning. Teachers at Masterpiece help guide your child at their own pace, so that they can grow with confidence, feeling being supported and cared for.